Updates for July 2012 – Software, Genealogies, and Lilly Tennessee Steadman

For July, I have made updates both for the software and the genealogies.

For the software, I have updated WordPress to new version 3.4.1. I have also updated TNG to the the update version 9.0.3. The WordPress update requires adding a mod to TNG to handle paging pages.

I will be updating the WordPress-TNG plugin over the next few weeks to handle better the integrated login feature. This feature will allow you to register with WordPress and be automatically registered with TNG. While I am testing the changes, you may see short interruptions in site access.

Please note that I have been adding several Stedman history pages to this blog. This will be an on-going activity as I attempt to consolidate the information on my old Stedman family sites onto this one. In most cases, the move requires major updates to the old pages.

I have updated both the American and UK genealogies.  Along with numerous updates and corrections that you have sent in, I have begin adding some Scottish content thanks to some great help from an excellent researcher in Scotland. I will likely be adding some histories to the site dealing with Scottish families over the coming months. If you have anything to add to this discussion, this would be a good time to get in touch.

Between this Scottish researcher and David Stedman in Wales who works with me on the DNA project and is becoming fluent in the ancient family references, it is very likely that the early history of the Stedmans in England and Scotland and the Bartons in Scotland will be seriously re-written. David is beginning to think that the history written in the John Stedman of Bath (1857) “Memoir of the Barton and Stedman Families” may not be very solid.

I am continuing to re-work and extend the genealogy of the Stedman family that Mick Jagger is not part of. This is an on-going project to try to bring most of those lines to at least 1911. I have a new contact on a branch of this family that went to Australia who hopefully shall bring that line up to date.

Lilly Tennessee (Steadman) Parris (1845-1930)

One of the largest projects that I have been involved with takes me back to the Spartanburg, South Carolina Steadman family. A contact connected me with the family line of Lilly Tennessee Steadman. She was a daughter of Bryson Henry Steadman and his first wife Nancy Nelson. She married William Henry Parris and had 14 children! I have begun to document this family which has added so far hundreds of new members to this already large family. I have images of the Bible pages and some photographs that will be catnip for the many researchers of the Bryson Steadman family. Most of the pictures will be coming later this week.

Good Searching!

John Lisle
Nashua, New Hampshire

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